Wednesday, July 31, 2013
I was very pleased to be asked to do some Commercial Photography for the Woodland Trust at their site at Heartwood near Sandridge a few weeks ago. The trust are busy creating England’s largest new native forest. The plan is to create an 858 acre woodland with a total of 600,000 new trees. All of this work is done by volunteers and during last winter over 8000 people were involved in helping to create this amazing forest which will also include a community orchard, wildflower meadows, plus open spaces and footpaths.
Local Stevenage girl Lisette is helping the trust with an up coming campaign and they needed some photographs of Lisette at Heartwood. It was a beautiful, very hot summer’s day when we met up for the shoot which lasted for about an hour.
Heartwood is certainly a very impressive and very large development. Currently 45 acres in size and growing, the aim is to have an 850 acre site in just 12 years. If you would like to get involved or make a donation here is the link where you can do just that.
I was also suprised to learn how many sites the Woodland Trust were involved in and it was a real insight into the great work that they are doing across the country.
It was great to do some commercial photography for such a worthwhile organisation whose three main aims are ….
Work with others to plant more native trees…
Protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future…
Inspire everyone to enjoy and value woods and trees…
