During a couple of weeks away I took my GFX 50R out on the streets with me. I was on holiday experiencing fresh sights and sounds.. So with only a few hours out each day with my wife seeing the local sites, maybe you wouldn’t class my efforts as serious “street” photography. However even when sightseeing I am always on the lookout for interesting images!

We came across this gentleman selling his wares In the port of Ajaccio. I love this camera for informal portraits, the quality of the full images produced by the Fujifilm GFX sensor are astounding. I really must try more informal street portraiture. Would also like to do some environmental portraiture as well. Having moved from small formats I love the depth of the resulting images. When I compare them to work I have taken with the APS C sensor the older images look so much flatter in perspective.

The last time I visited this port was in 1979, forty years ago. It is the capital of Corsica and has grown and changed considerably since I last visited. I remember it as a sleepy sort of place. Back then I was on an “adventure holiday” and we travelled up into the mountains of Corsica and I remember a small traffic accident on the winding roads. This visit was confined to the town itself. As we wandered along the main street in the glorious morning sunshine we passed several streets leading off back down to the sea. I saw this guy walking his Great Dane and waited until he made a good silhouette. As I took the image the guy on the right entered the frame. Not sure if he adds or distracts but I like the picture anyway.
We also visited Ceuta in Spanish Morocco On the North Coast of Africa. Again I was expecting a quiet area with not a lot going on. So it was with much surprise that we discovered a bustling city with a busy shopping area. As we walked my eye was caught by the geometric patterns and contrasting architecture spotted of in a side alley.

No one who knows me would describe me as a fashionista or as Ray Davies once sang “ a dedicated follower of fashion”. So I had never really heard of the “Mango” clothing store. Apparently it is Spanish, founded in Barcelona so it is no surprise that they have a branch here.

The last image, also taken in Cetua, was achieved by using the tilt screen at waist level as we waited at a crossing. Using the tilt screen makes you a little less noticeable, but once you bring the camera to your eye people will notice you for sure. I am waiting to see how the new 50mm F3.5 looks and feels on this camera as that would be ideal for street I guess. Biggest issue will be justifying the cost. Perhaps I can hire it first to see how I get on with it before making a definite decision.
